
Atlas of the Hudson River Valley from New York City to Troy

Historic maps detailing land ownership, structures, businesses, and bodies of water from New York City to Troy.

Cover of The Arrow from 1933

Yearbooks from the Auburn Enlarged City School District, including yearbooks from Auburn's East, West, and Central high schools prior to consolidation.

Old Home Week parade on Genesee Street

This collection contains photographs of a parade held during Auburn’s Old Home Week celebration in June 1906.

A building torn down between other buildings

Photographs taken by the county historian's office in the 1970s of Urban Renewal demolitions.

Augustin Family Collection, 1890 - 1957

Small collection of photographs from the Frederick Julius Augustin family.

Corning Community College owns an autograph collection of over 100 noted statesmen, presidents, Revolutionary War heroes and authors including Henry Clay, Jules Verne, Theodore Roosevelt to name a few.
The Automobile in Potsdam
A collection of photographs of automobiles in Potsdam, New York