Hudson River Valley Institute

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601-1387
Phone: 845-575-3052
Hudson River Valley Institute
The Hudson River Valley Institute at Marist College is the center for the study and promotion of the region. As the educational arm of the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area, HRVI increases public awareness of the Hudson River’s significant role in the history of New York and the United States by providing information about the region’s history, culture, economy, and environment. HRVI offers resources for teachers, students, and others at their website, through annual lectures and conferences, and in the biannual Hudson River Valley Review. All articles in The Hudson River Valley Review undergo peer review.
Located on the banks of the historic Hudson River, Marist College is a comprehensive, independent institution grounded in the liberal arts. Its mission is to “help students develop the intellect, character, and skills required for enlightened, ethical, and productive lives in the global community of the 21st century.”
Hudson River Valley Institute is a member of the Southeastern New York Library Resources Council.

Historic maps detailing land ownership, structures, businesses, and bodies of water from New York City to Troy.

Historic postcards depicting various street scenes, landscapes, and architecture throughout Ulster County.

Documents relating to Frederick Willie and his service in the Civil War.