
Halleran Family Collection
Images from members of the Halleran family of Jericho, NY
Black and white photograph

Photographs related to the George W. Harris Family of Jefferson, New York. 

The Hasbroucks of Locust Lawn

Photographs, letters, artwork, textiles and other possessions belonging to the Hasbrouck family.

Historic Huguenot Street Photographs and Portraits

Images of New Paltz residents, events, and landmarks.

View of Profile Rock (1)

These photographs depict Little Falls and its surrounding areas, especially buildings, people, nature, and events.  Many were photographed by George Kubica, who gave them to the Little Falls Public Library.

Historic Photographs of New Rochelle
A collection of photographs examining life in New Rochelle, NY and documenting its development to a premier suburban community.
A History of the Black Community of Syracuse
Photographs and documents from the mid-1800s to early-1900s, relating to African American life and history in Central New York.
Hofstra Estate Collection
Photographs from the Hofstra estate in Hempstead, New York.