Little Falls Public Library

706 East Main Street
Little Falls, NY 13365
Phone: 315.823.1542
Fax: 315.823.2995
Cheyenne Aney - [email protected]

Little Falls Public Library


Originally opened in 1814, the library moved between several locations throughout Little Falls before settling in the donated Victorian house of Judge Rollin Hulbert Smith in 1912, where it remains today.  Judge Smith donated his home and his own private library, his wife's extensive collection of Anglo-American china, an extensive art collection, furnishings, and funds to maintain the new library.  It was specified that the parlor and reading room remain unchanged.

Officially opening in its new location in January 1912 with Miss Mabel E. Richards as the first librarian, many changes came to the library over time.  There have been renovations and additions with attention to detail being paid to ensure that new additions would blend with the historic old house.  All in all, there's been a new library entrance, new space for books, a community room for events and programming, an elevator, a room for teens, new interior decorating and furniture, and a renovation of a new children's center with repairs to the library's stairs and sidewalks.  Today, as it was when it first began, the Little Falls Public Library remains a vital and cherished part of the Little Falls community.

Little Falls Public Library is a member of the Central New York Library Resources Council.


View of Profile Rock (1)

These photographs depict Little Falls and its surrounding areas, especially buildings, people, nature, and events.  Many were photographed by George Kubica, who gave them to the Little Falls Public Library.

Little Falls Camera Club Collection

This collection contains photographs taken by the members of the Little Falls Camera Club, of Little Falls, NY.

Little Falls Public Library Collection

This collection contains photographs of when the Little Falls Public Library was a residence and competitions for the Little Falls Camera Club, and other materials relating to Little Falls.

Little Falls Symphony Orchestra Collection

This collection contains programs of Little Falls Symphony Orchestra concerts from 1929 to 1949.

Little Falls High School Yearbooks

This collection contains yearbooks from Little Falls High School.

Sphinx Collection

This collection consists of issues of a literary journal published by Little Falls High School of Little Falls, NY in the early twentieth century.