
Clark Rice Photography Collection
Collection of photographs and other material from Clark Rice and Merrium Crocker
Photo portraits of students and teachers

This collection contains full class photos for each teacher from Kindergarten through sixth grade at GCS for the years 1976, 1980, 1987, 1989, 1991. Other years may be added as they are found.

Levittown History Collection

Historic photographs of Levittown, NY.

Photo of flower bed outside the front of the library with small bushes and flowers. Goff-Nelson sign on side of building also shown.

This series documents the history of the Goff-Nelson Memorial Library from 1963 to approximately 2010. The series includes original construction during the 1970s, the addition of the children’s wing in 1999, and parking lot construction.

Merrick Historical Photographs
Historic photographs from the Merrick Library.
Sister Joanette Rutkowski, FSSJ, Archives and Historical Collection
Photographs relating to the history of Hilbert College during the late 20th century and early 21st century.