Crandall Public Library

Glens Falls, New York 12801
Phone: 518-792-6508
Todd DeGarmo - 518-792-6508 x237 - [email protected]
Crandall Public Library
The Folklife Center at Crandall Public Library in Glens Falls is an award-winning, regional program created in 1993, charged with the mission to research and present the cultural traditions of the upper Hudson valley and southern Adirondacks of upstate New York. Its core programs - Cultural Events, Exhibitions, and Special Collections - are largely supported by grants, and have attracted a large, diverse regional audience. Our special collections reflect over a hundred years as a dependable repository of the community's history. Books, serials, photographs, maps, scrapbooks, family paper, business records, art collections, and many other materials are actively added each year, catalogued and stored in an archival environment, and made available to the public via our staffed Research Center. A small sampling of these materials - J.J. Audubon's elephant folio prints; Congressman Gerald Solomon's Scrapbooks; Look Magazine's Glens Falls Hometown USA Photographs; Dr. A.W. Holden's Civil War Letters; Glens Falls Operetta Club Papers; a Lazio portrait of Charles Evans Hughes (a Glens Falls native) - provide a sense of the tremendous depth and breath of our special collection holdings.
Crandall Public Library is a member of the Capital District Library Council.

This collection contains images of Lake George, New York.

Examples of the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and anthropomorphic creatures made by international artists

This collection contains paintings, sculptures and other three dimensional objects in the Library's special collections.

This collection contains images and documents related to the Battenkill River and surrounding area.

This collection contains photographs, postcards, art work, and images pertaining to the Champlain Canal that runs from the Hudson River at Waterford, NY to Lake Champlain.

This collection contains photographs and contextual information related to families in the upper Hudson Valley and southern Adirondack regions.

This collection contains folk art collected from Upstate New York and other regions.

This collection contains photographs taken during the World War II era of Glens Falls.

This collection contains images illustrating the rich history of Crandall Public Library (founded in 1892).

Handmade baskets by indigenous peoples living in present day United
States of America and Canada.

This collection contains photographs taken by the Northern Survey Company of Albany, NY of family houses, farms, businesses and public buildings in New York State and New England, 1878 to 1900.

Portrait photographs taken by Richard M. Bloomer between 1905-1931 in his studio in Hudson Falls, Washington County, NY.

Gifts, mementos, folk arts, and traditional crafts, and other materials
related to the relationship between Glen Falls and its sister city, Saga City, Japan.

Original relief-block prints created by Stephen Alcorn for the books "Abraham Lincoln: In His Own Words" (1993) and "Frederick Douglass: In His Own Words" (1995).