in 1637, the Montauketts sided for their own protection with the English in the Pequot War in Connecticut. In the aftermath the Montauketts were to sell Gardiners Island. In 1648 what would become the Town of Easthampton, was sold to setters by the colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. In 1879, Arthur W. Benson paid $151,000 for 10,000 acres for the east end. The deed releasing claim to Montauk was entered on March 9, 1852. Benson also received clear title to the Montaukett property at Big Reed Pond, buying it from tribesmen for $10 each. In the early 20th Century, Carl G. Fisher bought most of the East End of Long Island. He planned to turn Montauk into the "Miami Beach of the North", a "Tudor village by the sea". His projects included blasting a hole through the freshwater Lake Montauk to access Block Island Sound to replace the shallow Fort Pond Bay as the hamlet's port; establishing the Montauk Yacht Club and the Montauk Downs Golf Course; and building Montauk Manor, a luxury resort hotel.
Scope of Collection
The colletion consists of historic photographs and maps showing the progression of Montauk From the land of the Montauk Indians to development as a vacation destination, to present day land conservation.