The "Land Office Leger" contains precise and concise information pertaining to business dealings within the vast expanse of the Pulteney Estate -- including business accounts owned by Sir William Pulteney outside of the regular business affairs of the Land Agency in New York. The entries range in dates from 1800 - 1811.
From land sales to a large listing of personal accounts connected to the Association, to a miscellany of property, provisions, and industry -- this leger has a significance to the history of the settlement of "Pulteney's Land" in the Genesee.
The Leger contains 194 pages with some form of information pertaining to the business affairs of the Land Agency. Within each page contain between one and eighty-two entries spots. This Ledger, and a companion volume still to be indexed, were saved by an alert dump-master at the local county landfill (or so we were told).
There are two "sides" to every page: direct (left), and credit (right). The direct side lists out payments made out of the specific account to an outside account; the credit side lists out all deposits made by outside accounts into the specific account.
There are certain, specific details within the Land Office Leger that provide helpful insight into business transactions, land sales, listings of names, and other accounts connected to the "Land Association."