Maria College Occupational Therapy Department Assistive Device Collection

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Maria College Occupational Therapy Department Assistive Device Collection
Various occupation therapy devices from the Maria College collection

Collection Facts

Dates of Original:

Scope of Collection

The Occupational Therapy Assistive Devices Collection is from the Occupational Therapy Assistant program, and housed at Maria College's McAuley Building in the OT Library. Maria College work study student for Maria College Library, Nick Bouck researched all assistive devices to find the names and historical background information for the collection. Date ranges include: 1800s to today. Nick's research provided beneficial metadata to add to New York Heritage.

Some of the assistive devices were obscure and the following resources helped to provide names of some items:

Breuer, J. (1982) A Handbook of assistive devices for the handicapped elderly, new help for independent living. New York: The Haworth Press, Inc.

Krantz, G. Christenson, M. Lindquist, A. (1998) Assistive products: an illustrated guide to terminology. Maryland: The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.

Wurts, A. Brewster, H. (1954) Special equipment and assistive devices. Buffalo, NY: Occupational Therapy Department, University at Buffalo, Chronic Disease Research Institution.

If you know the name of any of the unknown devices from the collection, please contact Maria College Library at [email protected] or call (518) 861-2515.