Buffalo African American Funeral Program and Obituary Collection

Cover Image:
Funeral program for Gladys Chase, Buffalo, NY
Funeral program for Gladys Chase

Collection Facts

Dates of Original:

Historical Context

The purpose of the collection is to preserve the biographical and historical information that is found in printed funeral programs from the African-American community. Some of the programs are from individuals born as early as 1892, and the bulk of the programs are from the 1980s through 1990s and later.

Scope of Collection

The collection includes funeral programs, newspaper articles, and death notices. The funeral programs typically contain a photo of the deceased, an obituary, listing of living family members, birth and death dates, maiden names, the order of the service, and burial location.

Many of those included in the collection held prominent roles in their communities. Most of the programs are from the greater Buffalo area, but also included are out of state programs from relatives of BGSAD members. Programs have been received from family members, funeral homes and many local churches: Agape AME, Bethel AME, Calvary, First Calvary, First Shiloh, Friendship, Pilgrim and St. John Baptist, Our Savior Lutheran, and St. Phillips Episcopal.

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Additional Information

Publisher of Digital:

Buffalo Genealogical Society for the African-American Diaspora

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