The Tattler Collection

Cover Image:
cover of The Tattler, April 1916
The Tattler, April 1916 - Image Source

Collection Facts

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Historical Context

The students of Waterloo High School in the 1900s, 1910s, and 1920s published a quarterly magazine called The Tattler, which included inside jokes, reminiscences of the school year, local high school sports recaps, editorials, limited photographs, school news, and business advertisements.  Students also submitted poems, short stories, and historical articles, such as a brief essay about France helping the United States during the revolution.

The magazine changed style and shape as the years went on, sometimes being published as a bound pamphlet and in later years, as a small tabloid-sized newspaper.  

In November of 1917, the magazine reported: 

"Everyone will be proud to know that a graduate from the school is taking part in the great conflict “over there.” Robert Huff, of the Class of 1910, is now in London, where he has a position under Admiral Simms. Mr. Huff has been an Assistant Paymaster in the navy for sev­eral years. Recently he has been ad­vanced to the rank of Lieutenant. He was in Waterloo several weeks ago and visited the high school where he gave an interesting talk to the American History students. At the time no one but his family knew the cause for his visit. One week later a cablegram was sent an­nouncing his safe arrival in London. Al­though several graduates and former teachers in this school are now serving in the army, Mr. Huff is the first one to see active service in Europe."


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