Newburgh Glebe Documents

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Newburgh Glebe Documents
Receipt from Newburgh Daily News - Image Source

Collection Facts

Dates of Original:
1790s - early 1900s

Historical Context

The Newburgh Glebe was established in 1719 by immigrants from the German Palatinate of the Rhine. Each family was given 100-300 acres and a central plot for support of a Lutheran minister. The first patent of the Glebe, then known as the German patent or Palatine Parish, was surrendered in 1752 after the arrival of Dutch and English settlers. The second patent was established and was then known as the Parish of Newburgh and the clergyman was replaced by a minister of the Church of England. In 1794, it changed again when Presbyterians were elected Trustees of the Glebe.

Scope of Collection

The Newburgh Free Library's Glebe Documents Collection provides an extensive record of the Glebe's activities from the 1790s through the early 1900s. These online documents represent only a selection of the Glebe materials that are held in the Newburgh Free Library's Local History Collection. Please contact the Local History Librarian at the library for more information.