This collection began as the Sayville Library’s Historic Images Collection, a series of scanned photographs from the Library’s collection which were accompanied with a short caption when available. This page later became the “Historic Images and Notes Collection” written by former local resident, Webb N. Morrison. As the “Historic Images and Notes Collection”, the collection became a narrative history of Sayville with accompanying photographs. At the bottom of the page, a few links to other local history resources were listed, but are no longer in use. In 2020, when the Library updated its website, this online collection was saved in a series of PDFs in order to preserve it and keep it available for research purposes.
Scope of Collection
The collection consists of a history of Sayville, compiled and written by Webb N. Morrison, which is accompanied by images from the Sayville Library’s collection, along with images from private collections. This was formerly the “Local History Page” on the Library’s old website, which has been saved in pdf format for research purposes.