The Swart-Wilcox House is the oldest house in the City of Oneonta.
In 1807, Revolutionary War Soldier Lawrence Swart (1753-1841), built this German Palatine Vernacular house on the banks of the Susquehanna River on land which had been purchased from the Wallace Patent. He cleared his 230 acres and lived there with his family until 1841.
The land was sold to Peter Collier and Jared Goodyear who used this land to entice the railroad to come through Oneonta. In 1867, they sold the remaining 74 acres to Henry and Phoebe Wilcox for $9,000. They and their 3 children lived in the house for over 100 years, with the last member of the Wilcox family, Merton, dying in 1970 at age 92.